Autocad Selection Cycling Problem

Let’s examine how to turn off Selection Cycling, this tool that shows the user a window and asks which one to select if more than one layer comes to the area within your cursor while making a selection in the Autocad program.
First of all, this feature is disabled in Autocad 2020 and previous versions. It is observed that in some of AutoCAD 2021 and later versions, it is enabled by default.
To enable or disable the tool, press the customization button depicted with 3 horizontal lines in the lower right corner.

Make it visible by selecting the “Selection Cycling” feature in the tab that opens immediately afterwards.

After adding the Selection Cycling tool to the bar, you can turn the selection window feature on and off by clicking on it as shown in the picture.
That’s all, this feature is not a problem or a bug, it is a tool that allows you to select between overlapping layers in comprehensive drawings.